Electric camper van driving range - an example and introduction to electric vehicle driving best practice.
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Driving range electrical car a practical example
Many of our international campervan customers concerned about driving range before deciding to rent an electric camper van.
Norway has the highest numbers of electric cars in the world. Despite being mountainous with steep and long hills electric vehicles are ordinarily used for long journeys without any problems.
This is possible because of improved battery capacities and the vast amount of charging stations throughout the country.
Elcampervan camping vans have a driving range between 230 and 250 km.
How long driving range is possible to drive in practice in combination with flat, steep and downhill roads?
What affects driving range?

  • Battery capacity/outside temperature.
  • Driving behavior – how you “read the traffic situation” – cruise, do not stop/brake and then start again using accelerator pedal.
  • Use gravity working with you combine Drive, Break and Neutral gear mode. Stroll N and use breaker B mode whenever you can.
  • Try not to exceed 75 km. Optimal cruising speed to get the best driving range is 65-75 km/h.

As an example, driving with an electric mini camper van in average road conditions I can take a normal trip when I go skiing in the mountain. Starting in Bergen and driving to Kvamskogen, (one of my favorite skiing spots) and returning to Bergen/Kleppestø. . The return trip is 135 km. See journey in map. 

Starting with resetting the trip counter. I start with an Elcamper van with a driving range of 230 km.
Camper van rental NorwayWhen I got to my skiing destination Kvamskogen I have used 230-130 = 100 km battery “consumption” to make distance 60 km road driving.  A ratio 100/60=1,7.
When driving to the mountains it is mainly uphill driving. Which is of course consuming battery power at a higher rate, but it is of no real consequence as long as I have planned ahead.
hire campervan in NorwayA beautiful day skiing with a view of the Fjord Hardangerfjorden.
camping in NorwayWhen returning  I was rolling downhill with start level  battery 130 km and I gained recharging capacity at level 162 km.
On the downhill journey to the Fjord, gravity ‘helped me’ to get an extra 32 km battery capacity. 162-130=32 km.
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When I returned home the remaining battery capacity was 68 km.
I have then been driving in winter conditions with temperature between 1 and 5 degrees Celsius
I have used 230-68=162 km battery “driving” range traveling road distance 132 km. A ratio 162/132=1,2.
By driving a road distance of 1 km I am using 1,2 km battery capacity. Not bad I think.
As an example if you are planning a day trip driving 150 km you need 150*1,2=180. You should have at least an extra 30km left to be on the “safety” zone. This means a level 180+30=210. This implies that you should consider taking a short stop pause at a recharging station along your route and top up the battery 15-20 minutes (it  really doesn’t take long and there are many charging stations all over the place).

 How to best drive an electric car?

Of course, to begin with, if all of this sounds too much, then just stop at every other charging point and charge for 15 minutes, then you’ll have power to spare without any worries whatsoever. There are no shortage of charging stations and really no need to be concerned. After the first day, you’ll be completely relaxed and forget about any anxieties once you see for yourself.